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Retainage Only Pay Request

Before you can submit a final pay request for the contract retainage, all contract submittals must uploaded to the WisBuild system and the retainage amount set to $0 by the DFD Construction Rep. To review the status of your submittals use the 'Submittal' link located on the contract screen.

If a final pay request is for retainage only, you do not enter an amount in the pay request and the amount billed for this period will show $0 before the request is submitted. However, the WisBuild program will calculate the amount based on the balance of the contract and create the pay request for that balance. To submit a retainage only pay request:

-Login to WisBuild and open project overview.
-Click on 'Pay Request', 'Enter Request' from menu on left.
-If Remit To Address is correct, click on 'Continue'.
-Enter an Invoice number in the box provided.
-Click on 'Continue' (near bottom of screen).
-Look for 'Send Request to DFD' and click on 'Submit'.

After submitting the pay request, you can use 'View Status' in the left menu to confirm the amount was correctly entered by the system.